14 signs of bad eyelash extensions

Obeya beauty lashes
14 signs of bad eyelash extensions
Bad eyelash extensions may cause some trouble to our eyes. If your eyelash extensions have the following 14 signs, it may be that your eyelash extensions are not good, please deal with them in time.

Eyelash extensions make our eyelashes look more natural, stronger and easier to manage. No need to remove your eyelashes every day. Because eyelash extensions touch the most sensitive part of our eyes, they are not done well, or bad eyelash extensions are used. It will cause eye discomfort, so it should be dealt with as soon as possible.

When it comes to the quality of eyelash extensions, there are many signs that may indicate that your eyelash extensions are not in the best condition. Here are 14 signs that may indicate a problem with your eyelash extensions:


1.Persistent discomfort

Persistent discomfort is a possible bad sign during the eyelash extension process. Typically, eyelash extensions should be a relatively comfortable process and should not cause ongoing pain, burning, or stinging sensations. This discomfort may indicate an irritation or allergic reaction to your eyes from the glue or material used in the eyelash extensions. Mild stinging or discomfort during eyelash extensions is understandable in some cases, but if the feeling persists or is accompanied by strong pain or burning, it is cause for alarm.

For any persistent discomfort, it is recommended to cease further irritation of the eye immediately and consult a professional lash technician or ophthalmologist as soon as possible. They can evaluate your situation and determine if an allergic reaction to the eyelash extension material is present so that appropriate steps can be taken to relieve symptoms and protect your eye health.

2.Eye allergies

Eye allergies can be an undesirable sign of eyelash extensions. If you notice swelling, itching, redness, or inflammation around your eyes during or after eyelash extensions, this may be a sign that you are having an allergic reaction to the glue or material used in the eyelash extensions.

These symptoms may be due to your allergies to certain chemicals in the glue or the materials used in eyelash extensions. An allergic reaction may cause inflammation and discomfort in the skin around the eyes, and may even sometimes be accompanied by tearing, pain, or burning in the eyes.

If signs of eye allergy appear, it is recommended to immediately stop applying additional pressure to the eyes and clean the eye area as soon as possible. Avoid rubbing or irritating your eyes, and avoid using cosmetics or skin care products that may exacerbate allergic reactions.

Most importantly, consult a professional lash technician or ophthalmologist promptly. They can assess allergic reactions, provide appropriate treatment recommendations, and may recommend products more suitable for your skin type. By following professional advice and seeking appropriate treatment, you can relieve allergy symptoms and ensure your eye health.


3.Excessive loss of natural eyelashes

Excessive shedding of natural eyelashes can be one of the signs of bad eyelash extensions. During the normal eyelash extension process, you should try to avoid overstressing and damaging your natural eyelashes. However, if you observe excessive shedding of your natural lashes during your extension cycle, this may indicate that an inappropriate adhesive was used in the lash extensions or that the extensions were excessively heavy.

Using an inappropriate adhesive can cause damage to your natural eyelashes, causing them to become brittle or fall off. Likewise, eyelash extensions that are too heavy or too large can put too much pressure on your natural lashes, causing them to fall out or break.

If you find that your natural eyelashes are falling out too much during the eyelash extension process, it is recommended to stop eyelash extensions immediately and seek professional advice. An ophthalmologist or lash technician can evaluate your case, determine the cause of the problem, and provide appropriate treatment recommendations. Prompt action can help protect your natural lashes and ensure the safety and comfort of eyelash extensions.

4.Unnatural appearance

An unnatural appearance may indicate a problem with eyelash extensions. Here are some signs that your eyelash extensions may not be what you want:

  • Uneven spacing: The spacing between eyelash extensions looks inconsistent or uneven.

  • Length Mismatch: The length of the eyelash extensions does not match or is inconsistent with the length of your natural eyelashes.

  • Too thick or sparse: Eyelash extensions look too thick or appear sparse.

  • Unnatural style: If the style of eyelash extensions is significantly different from the way natural eyelashes grow or looks unnatural, it can make the overall appearance look uncoordinated.

These problems may arise from the techniques used, the materials used, or the skill level of the technician. A natural, shapely, and unobtrusive appearance is the goal of eyelash extensions, and if the extensions look unnatural or mismatched, they may need to be corrected or readjusted.

If you find that you have the above problems with your eyelash extensions, it is recommended to communicate with your eyelash technician as soon as possible to explain your concerns and seek advice. Your technician can take the necessary steps to adjust the appearance of your lash extensions to make them more natural, proportioned, and more in line with your expectations. Taking early action may help resolve the problem and result in more satisfying eyelash extension results.


5.Uneven spacing

The spacing between eyelash extensions looks inconsistent or uneven. Uneven spacing can be a telltale sign that there is a problem with your eyelash extensions. Normally, extensions should be evenly distributed between natural lashes, looking natural and consistent. However, if you observe that the spacing between your extensions looks inconsistent or uneven, this may be a sign that the lash extensions are not working as well as they should.

Uneven spacing may be caused by the technician's failure to ensure even distribution of the extensions or inaccurate spacing measurements when applying the lash extensions. This can result in noticeable gaps between the extensions, giving the overall look a jarring or unnatural feel.

If you notice uneven spacing with your eyelash extensions, it is recommended to speak to your lash technician to explain your concerns and seek advice. Your technician may make adjustments to the placement of your lash extensions to ensure more even spacing for a more natural, consistent look. Prompt corrections may help improve your appearance and make your lash extensions more in line with your expectations.

6.Length Mismatch

The length of the eyelash extensions does not match or is inconsistent with the length of your natural eyelashes. Length mismatch can be one of the telltale signs that there is a problem with your eyelash extensions. When getting eyelash extensions, you should make sure that the length of the extensions matches the length of your natural eyelashes for a natural, unified look. However, if you observe a significant difference or inconsistency between the length of your eyelash extensions and your natural eyelash length, this may mean that the eyelash extension results are not ideal.

This situation may be caused by the improper length of eyelashes selected by the technician. Some extension eyelashes may be too long or too short, which is inconsistent with the length of the natural eyelashes. This can create an unnatural or mismatched appearance to the lashes, making the overall look appear uneven or uncoordinated.

If you notice a length mismatch with your eyelash extensions, it is recommended to speak with your lash technician to explain your concerns and seek advice. The technician may take necessary steps, such as adjusting the length of the chosen extensions, to ensure they match your natural lashes, creating a more natural and unified look. Prompt adjustments may help improve the appearance and make your eyelash extensions more in line with your expectations.

7.Too thick or sparse

Eyelash extensions look too thick or appear sparse. Overly thick or sparse eyelash extensions can be a sign of a problem with your eyelash extensions. When getting eyelash extensions, aim for a natural, well-proportioned look and avoid overly thick or sparse effects. However, if you observe that your lash extensions look too thick or appear sparse, this may be a sign that the lash extension results are not ideal.

Too thick may be caused by the technician applying too many eyelash extensions, making the eyelashes look too dense. Instead, sparseness may be due to poor selection of lash extensions or the technician's failure to evenly distribute the lashes. Both conditions can result in an overall appearance that looks unnatural or uneven.

If you find that your eyelash extensions are too thick or sparse, it is recommended to speak with your lash technician to explain your concerns and seek advice. The technician may adjust the layout of the eyelash extensions to ensure that the eyelashes look more natural and well-proportioned. Timely adjustments may help improve the appearance and make eyelash extensions more in line with your expectations.

These issues may stem from the technique, materials used during the eyelash extension procedure, or the skill level of the technician. An even, natural look is key to eyelash extensions, and if your extensions look unnatural or mismatched, they may need to be corrected or readjusted.

It is recommended to speak with your lash technician to explain your concerns and seek advice. The technician may take necessary steps to adjust the appearance of your lash extensions to make them more natural, proportioned, and more in line with your expectations. For unnatural appearance issues, taking early action may help correct the problem and make eyelash extensions more satisfying.

8.Extension eyelash shedding

Extension eyelashes fall off too quickly or in large quantities during the extension cycle, and do not meet the normal shedding speed and proportion.

Detached natural lashes: Extension lashes that detach or fall away from your natural lashes, giving the extensions an unstable or uneven appearance.

Does not grow with natural lashes: Eyelash extensions that do not grow in harmony with your natural lashes during the growth cycle may result in an unnatural or incomplete appearance of the lash extensions.

These problems can be caused by improper application technique, using an inappropriate adhesive, or choosing an extension length that is inappropriate for your natural lashes.

If you find the above problems, it is recommended to consult a professional eyelash technician or ophthalmologist in time. They can evaluate your eyelashes and provide appropriate suggestions. Adjustments or repairs may be required to your lash extensions to ensure they blend with your natural lashes and achieve a natural, even look. Taking appropriate steps may help correct the problem, protect your natural lashes, and ensure the longevity and comfort of your eyelash extensions.

9.Eyelash gaps or intervals

The presence of eyelash gaps or gaps can be a sign that there is a problem with your eyelash extensions. When getting eyelash extensions, you should make sure that the extensions blend well with your natural lashes, with no visible gaps or voids. However, if you observe gaps or voids between your extensions and your natural lashes, this may indicate poor bonding or that the extensions were not installed correctly.

Gaps or voids may occur due to poor adhesion of the adhesive or failure to fully fit the natural lashes when the extensions are installed. This can cause the lash extensions to have an uneven or unnatural appearance, giving the overall appearance a jarring feel.

If you notice gaps or spacing issues with your eyelash extensions, it is recommended to speak to your lash technician to explain your concerns and seek advice. Your technician may make adjustments to your lash extensions to ensure they blend better with your natural lashes and eliminate gaps or voids. By correcting the bonding or installation technique, the appearance can be improved to make eyelash extensions more natural and consistent.

10.Rapid or uneven shedding

Extension eyelashes that fall out quickly or unevenly throughout the cycle may indicate a problem with the eyelash extensions. Under normal circumstances, eyelash extensions should shed evenly throughout their growth cycle and should not fall out too quickly or inconsistently. This condition may be due to improper application technique or the use of unsuitable glue.

Rapid or uneven eyelash loss may indicate poor bonding of the eyelash extensions or a problem with the application technique that prevents the eyelashes from staying securely on your natural eyelashes. This may include failing to correctly select the right glue or failing to ensure an even bond when the lashes are installed.

If you observe rapid or uneven shedding of your eyelash extensions, it is recommended to speak with your lash technician to explain your problem and seek advice. The technician may evaluate the adhesion and application techniques of the lash extensions and take necessary steps to repair or reinstall the lashes to ensure their durability and stability. Through correction techniques or the use of appropriate glue, the shedding problem can be improved and the eyelash extensions can be made more durable and stable.


11.Natural eyelash damage

Improper eyelash extensions can cause damage to your natural eyelashes, which may manifest as thinning, breakage, or loss of your natural eyelashes. This damage is usually caused by applying too much weight, using inappropriate materials or adhesives, or improper technique when applying eyelash extensions.

Extensions that are too heavy or too large can put too much pressure on your natural lashes, making them brittle and prone to breakage. Additionally, using an inappropriate adhesive may cause the lashes to stick together, increasing the risk of natural eyelashes falling out. Improper technique can also cause your natural eyelashes to be damaged during the eyelash extension process.

If you observe thinning, breakage, or loss of your natural eyelashes and suspect that this may be related to eyelash extensions, it is recommended that you consult a professional eyelash technician or ophthalmologist promptly. They can assess the health of your natural eyelashes and provide appropriate advice and treatment to help reduce eyelash damage and promote recovery. Protecting the health of your natural eyelashes is important for long-term eyelash beautification.

12.Unsuitable length or shape

Choosing eyelash extensions that don't match the length or shape of your natural eyelashes can result in an unnatural look or discomfort. This condition may be caused by choosing an extension length or shape that does not match your natural lashes.

If the extensions you choose are too long or have a shape that doesn’t match the curvature of your natural lashes, it may make the overall look look uncoordinated or unnatural. For example, choosing eyelash extensions that are too long can cause discomfort or feel bulky, while extensions that don't fit your natural eyelash shape can make the look appear jarring.

If you observe that the length or shape of your extensions do not match your natural lashes, resulting in an unnatural appearance or discomfort, it is recommended to speak with your lash technician to explain your concerns and seek advice. The technician can choose a more suitable length or shape based on your natural eyelash characteristics to ensure that the eyelash extensions fit more naturally and make the overall appearance more natural and comfortable. Prompt adjustments may help improve appearance and comfort.

13.Not consistent with lifestyle

Eyelash extensions that don't fit into your daily lifestyle may cause lasting problems or discomfort. The choice of eyelash extensions should take into account your lifestyle and activity level to ensure the longevity and comfort of your eyelash extensions.

For example, if you typically engage in activities that require a lot of sweat or humid conditions, the eyelash extensions you choose may be affected by sweat or moisture and cause them to fall out or become ineffective. Likewise, if you wear makeup regularly or use certain cosmetics, certain chemical ingredients may affect the adhesion or longevity of your eyelash extensions.

If you find that eyelash extensions are not suitable for your daily lifestyle, it is recommended to discuss it with your lash technician to explain your lifestyle habits and needs. Your technician may provide specific advice, such as choosing eyelash extensions that are more resistant to water or sweat, or give you relevant care advice to ensure your eyelash extensions last and remain comfortable in different environments. Choosing eyelash extensions that fit your lifestyle may help reduce discomfort or persistence issues and improve the suitability of your eyelash extensions.

14.Signs of eye infection

Signs of eye infection may indicate that something went wrong during the eyelash extension process, causing an infection. Here are some possible signs of infection:

  • Redness around the eyes: An unusual red color in the skin around the eyes.

  • Swelling: Unusual swelling around the eyes or eyelids.

  • Pain: Persistent or severe eye pain.

  • Discharge: Increased or abnormal discharge around the eyes or eyelashes.

  • Other unusual symptoms: May include itching, burning, burning, or other eye discomfort.

These symptoms may indicate a problem with the eyelash extension process, possibly due to improper application technique, use of unclean utensils or materials, or an allergy or infection. Eye infection is a serious condition and if these signs appear, you should seek immediate medical advice and avoid self-treatment to prevent symptoms from worsening or the infection from spreading.

Prompt consultation with an ophthalmologist or medical professional is important to diagnose the problem and provide appropriate treatment. Eye infections require diagnosis and treatment by a professional doctor to avoid further complications and ensure eye health.

From a large number of cases, we can draw a conclusion that we must not be greedy for cheap and choose eyelash extensions of poor quality. Low-quality false eyelash extensions put you at increased risk of losing regular clients.

Obeya Eyelashes is an eyelash extension supplier with more than 10 years of history, supplying high-quality eyelash extensions to the world. If you need it, please contact us!

About Obeya

Qingdao Obeya Beauty is a wholesale eyelash vendor, one of the leading supplier and manufacturer of eyelash extensions, eyelash extension glues, 3D mink eyelashes and Eyelash Packaging Box products in Qingdao China.Obeya Beauty is a seasoned manufacturer specializing in both lash extensions and Strip Lashes, with 15 years of experience in custom lash production and wholesale services. We offer comprehensive solutions including OEM, private label, and wholesale lashes services, catering to a wide range of client needs. With our own dedicated lash factory, we ensure top-quality products and tailored services to meet the demands of our customers. We welcome inquiries and look forward to partnering with you for all your lash needs.

More than 15 years eyelash experience
Our comapny has been built more than 15 years, our lashes are made by professional experienced workers
Good After-Sales Aervice
We offer good after-sales service, Let you have no worries and improve the competitive advantage of eyelash business.
Cruelty Free
All our lashes are vegan, cruelty free

Contact US

Room 706, Building A, Suning Square, No.28 Jingkou Road, Qingdao, China 266071




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